13 under 12: 👱🏼♂️11 👦🏻10 👩🏼8 🧑🏾🦱7 👦🏼7 🧑🏾🦱6 👧🏽5 👧🏼4 🧑🏾🦱4 🧒🏻2 🧒🏼2 👶🏻5mos 👶🏻7wks 😳😍 #canyoutellwerecatholic 😂 ⠀
I dreamed for years and years about raising kids with my sister. The first few years of marriage, every negative test made that dream seem more and more like an impossibility. I think God must have been shaking his head and rolling his eyes at my frustrations knowing the plans He had in store. As it turns out after my sister’s oldest three and with my brother’s girls (👩🏽6 & 👧🏽3), Elie is the only one without an “age buddy” everyone else from Ty down to the two new babies has at least one cousin born within a few months, if not days from them. Safe to say no one is lonely when we get together…but there are some serious pouts and tears each time we have to leave. 😭😭 Have I mentioned living a thousand miles away sucks?? 😫 But this was the sweetest week of having them together all day! ❤️❤️⠀