An honest homeschool update:
Sometimes I freaking hate it. I feel like Goldilocks: it’s too much and too little. It’s too much change, too little guidance, too much pressure (really MoCo—documented proof progress in EIGHT subjects of instruction for a five year old?), too little patience, too much explaining, too little alone time, too much begging and pleading, too little independence, too much “WE LEARNED THIS YESTERDAY AND LAST WEEK AND YOU DID IT PERFECTLY FOR YOUR TEACHER LAST YEAR!”
And sometimes I freaking love it. Sometimes it’s just right. Just the right pace for each of them to excel, just the right flexibility to find what works for each of them, just the right environment to play and learn side by side, just the right schedule bc we decide it.
Some days I swear I would send them back to a school building tomorrow. Some days I’m sure we’ll do this forever even if they bring the students back in. Some days I feel guilty that I’m a better teacher for one child than another. Some days I think one child would be better off in a classroom than another. But I’m positive I don’t want to lose out on the majority of their waking hours again bc I’d there’s one thing 2020 has shown me it’s how much I truly do LOVE having everyone home and together.
Basically I’m all over the place, and I’m here to tell you it’s ok if you are too. I think we are shaking up what “school” should be. I think there is a middle ground between all of this too much and too little. And I think I’m going to find it. ❤️
Goldilocks & Homeschool.
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