2014sinceMom lifeHot MessLiving the
Taryn RamsammyI’mHi, Friend!(Pictured here with my hunky hubs.)
Nicole SmithI’mHi, Friend!(pictured here with my super sexy husband)

Motherhood came in a whirlwind for me. My sorta-kinda-not-really high school sweetheart and I got married at 22 and wanted to start our big Catholic family right away. After almost two years of infertility and some rather obvious smack us in the face signs from God, we decided to open our home to foster children. We got our license, got a positive pregnancy test, and accepted our first placement all in about a month's time, and we haven’t looked back since. In eight months we went from no kids to three under two, then four under three, then five under five, and now six under seven! This definitely has not been a road easily travelled. Growing your family by six humans in five years takes its toll. But God has built our hearts for this, and it’s a calling we passionately pursue!

This blog is my self care. See, I’m a daughter of God, a wife, a mom, a friend, an entrepreneur, a photographer, a book worm, a coffee lover. I wear a lot of hats but it has been far too easy for the mom hat to get stuck on these past few years and let all those other parts of me collect dust in the corner. This year we are coming out of the fog of survival mode and choosing to thrive in this unconventional life. This year we are finding true wellness as a family, and I’ve got to start with myself. I’m saying yes to the joy and no to the fluff. I love to write. I love to share our chaos and just maybe show someone else that this life doesn’t require perfection, just persistence. And frankly I’m sick of IG cutting off my word count. So here we are: a real live blog! I’m sure it’ll be messy, just like us, but here goes nothing!

Taryn RamsammyI’mHi, Friend!(pictured here with said hunky husband)

This blog is my self care. See, I’m a daughter of God, a wife, a mom, a friend, an entrepreneur, a photographer, a book worm, a coffee lover. I wear a lot of hats but it has been far too easy for the mom hat to get stuck on these past few years and let all those other parts of me collect dust in the corner. This year we are coming out of the fog of survival mode and choosing to thrive in this unconventional life. This year we are finding true wellness as a family, and I’ve got to start with myself. I’m saying yes to the joy and no to the fluff. I love to write. I love to share our chaos and just maybe show someone else that this life doesn’t require perfection, just persistence. And frankly I’m sick of IG cutting off my word count. So here we are: a real live blog! I’m sure it’ll be messy, just like us, but here goes nothing!